Foot reflexology is a manual therapy based on the existence, on the feet, of reflex zones representing all the organs and parts of the body that can be treated remotely by simply pressing or massaging these points.
This gentle curative technique can act on a specific symptom, relieve pain or balance a psychological state. This art can also deeply regulate the function of a diseased organ, improve the body’s circulation, promote the elimination of waste and toxins, and stimulate the body’s energy to prevent further imbalances.
Art-Massage offers you 4 complementary training courses:
Anti-Stress Reflexology :A course to combat stress, anxiety and depression…
Special Detox Reflexology :The best way to maximize the organs responsible for detoxifying our bodies. Superb training.
Immune Boost Reflexology :Because staying healthy is a priority.
Metamorphic Massageto reconnect with the life force within each individual. The metamorphosis technique harmonizes energy and releases cellular memories.
Reflexology is both an art, as it requires great skill on the part of the practitioner, a precise technique and an ability to listen to others, and a science, as it is based on physiological and neurological principles.