
Kansu Bowl Massage


Bol Kansu Massage Video Course

  • 08 hours of training

Included in Training courses:

  • Kansu Bowl Massage Video
  • Kansu Bowl Massage Theory Video
  • Complete theory booklet
  • Detailed data sheets on Bowl Kansu Massage techniques
  • Training recognized by massage therapy associations
  • Course Certificate


Kansu Bowl Massage Video Course

Kansu Bowl Massage: Originally, little children used to offer their parents and especially grandparents this foot massage using small bowls called Bols Kansu. (they are made from an alloy of 5 metals: gold, zinc, copper, bronze, silver and tin). In addition to the therapeutic benefits of manual massage, metals also play a curative role. This massage relaxes and releases tension. The powers of ghee or sesame oil and those of the bowl combine to evacuate the Fire element, treat anger and anxiety, and combat insomnia and stress. This treatment promotes the circulation of vital energy in the body.

Training materials:
-Kansu bowl
-Bottled water + Snack
-Comfortable massage clothing
-Anti-bacterial gel
-Smiles and good moods

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