
Amma Massage

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Amma Massage, also known as “on-site massage”, “seated massage” or “chair massage”, this massage aims to reduce, if not eliminate, the stress accumulated during working hours.
It can be performed in sessions lasting from 15 to 75 minutes, making it accessible in companies, cafés or public places. No creams or oils are required, so the recipient doesn’t have to take off his or her clothes. Movements include stretching, “energy sweeps”, rocking, pressure and percussion.
Today, this traditional Chinese massage has been modernized and adapted to the needs of society.
Chair Massage was born out of the need to intervene directly in the workplace to relieve muscular tension and revitalize employees.
Tensions are generally caused by static positions, mainly sitting, maintained for long hours.
Easy to move and requiring very little space, the massage chair has been designed to make tense areas of the neck, shoulders and back accessible.
Another approach to massage therapy in a one-day training course.

This course is designed for everyone. It enables you to learn massage step by step.

The Theoretical Course is available in Video and PDF versions, which you can download and print out if required.

The Practical Course is in Video version. It is commented movement by movement by France.

Pause, Rewind, View as many times as you like. That’s the power of online training.

What’s more, to help you, you’ll find in the Documents section, the Massage Technique Sheets, which consist of diagrams of each massage movement, the detailed version of the Massage. These technical sheets are in PDF format and can (and should) be printed out. This will provide you with reference points while you massage.

A Question & Answer module is available. You can write to us at any time with your questions, and we’ll be happy to answer them.

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What Will You Learn?

  • This training course will teach you Amma chair massage. A massage for everyone!

Course Content

Amma Massage Theory
The Theory of Amma Massage

  • Amma Massage Theory

Amma Massage Practice
Video commented by France of the complete Amma Massage.

Here, you can download the documents

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