
Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga Massage


Abhyanga Massage Video Training

Abhyanga Massage
(Ayurveda – Full body)

Training open to all.

Included in Training:

  • Training certificate
  • Abhyanga Theoretical Massage Video
  • Abhyanga Massage Video
  • Detailed technical data sheets of Abhyanga Massage techniques
  • Theoretical course documents Abhyanga Massage
  • Training recognized by certain massage therapy associations


Videos can be played on computers (Mac and PC) as well as on phones and tablets (Apple iOs and Android).
Document formats provided: .pdf


Abhyanga Massage Video Training

Abhyanga Massage
(Ayurveda – Full body)

Originating in India, this massage, often performed with warm oil, takes the senses on a journey and rebalances the body and its functions. The oils used are specific to the customer’s doshas. Using circular and gliding pressure, friction, accupressure and stretching, Abhyanga brings relaxation and harmony to the body, thanks in particular to its moderate, fluid rhythm. Focusing on the body’s 7 energy centers – the famous chakras – Abhyanga massage is above all a balancing treatment. The principle? The masseur will act on the nadis, the energy pathways on which pressure points are distributed, to enable vital energy – prana in Ayurvedic tradition – to circulate freely and harmoniously throughout the body. The goal: general well-being, both physically and mentally.

This video training is broken down as follows:

  • Step: 1 = Watch the Video entitled:
    Abhyanga Video Theory (23min)
  • Step: 2 = Practice by watching the Video entitled:
    Abhyanga Video Practice (1h15min)
  • Step: 3 = Look at the Massage Practice Sheets entitled:
    Abhyanga Practice Sheets
  • Step: 4 = Practice your Massage at least
    3 more times
    and your Training will be complete!
  • Step: 5 = Treat your loved ones and customers!

Training materials:

-Pen and Notes
-Comfortable massage clothing
-Anti-bacterial gel
-Smiles and good moods
-1 Massage Table
-1 Volunteer :-)
-1 Cushion (medium to small) + Sheets…
-1 Sesame Oil (preferable) or Massage Oil
-Essential oil if no allergy

Additional information

Durée Formation

Extended Training 100h, Regular Training 8h

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