
Indian Cranial Massage

Indian Cranial Massage


Indian Cranial Massage Video Training

Included in Training courses:

  • Training certificate
  • Theoretical Indian Cranial Massage video (23 min)
  • Practical Indian Cranial Massage video (48 min)
  • Detailed technical data sheets of Indian Cranial Massage massage techniques
  • Training recognized by certain massage therapy associations
  • Warm and friendly atmosphere
  • Easy training

For more information, follow this link: https://art-massage.ca/formations-en-video/

Videos can be played on computers (Mac and PC) as well as on phones and tablets (Apple iOs and Android).
Document formats provided: .pdf


Indian Cranial Massage Video Training

Indian Cranial Massage
comes from an ancient Ayurvedic healing technique dating back over four millennia.
This massage acts on the three upper chakras
Vishudda (Throat Chakra),
Ajna (3rd Eye Chakra) and Sahasrara (Crown Chakra).
It can be used for physical harmony, healing, vitality and simple traditional relaxation.
It is the Divine Secret of Ayurveda.

This video training is broken down as follows:

  • Step: 1 = Watch the Video entitled:
    Indian Cranial Video Theory
  • Step: 2 = Practice by watching the Video entitled:
    Indian Cranial Video Practice
  • Step: 3 = Look at the Massage Practice Sheets entitled:
    Indian Cranial Practice Sheets
  • Step: 4 = Practice your massage at least
    3 more times
    and your Training is complete!
  • Step: 5 = Treat your loved ones and customers!

Training materials:

-Pen and Notes
-Comfortable massage clothing
-Anti-bacterial gel
-Smiles and good moods
-1 Chair
-1 Volunteer :-)
-1 Cushion (medium to small)
-1 Sesame Oil (preferable) or Massage Oil
-Essential oil if no allergy

Additional information

Durée Formation

Extended Training 100h, Regular Training 8h

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