
Balinese Massage

Categories: Ayurvéda
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Massage of the Isle of the Gods

With this course, let’s continue our discovery of Ayurveda with Balinese Massage. It’s a blend of maneuvers and techniques from Ayurvedic, Chinese and Thai massages. It’s a body massage performed with sesame or coconut oil. A must-discover!

Traditional Balinese Massage aims to restore the balance between body and soul. It’s a complete massage, at once gentle and invigorating, relaxing and energizing. Not only does it help to manage stress, it also penetrates our innermost being through meditative work on the chakras (energy crossroads). It stimulates our different energy points called Marmas, and in parallel, the different elements of our body: air, water and fire, organized into three systems: VATA (nervous and hormonal systems), PITTA (digestive and enzymatic systems) and KAPHA (fluids).

Massage Balinais avec Art-Massage

This course is designed for everyone. It enables you to learn massage step by step.

The Theory Course is available in Video and PDF versions, which you can download and print out if required.

The Practical Course is in Video version. It is commented movement by movement by France.

Pause, Rewind, View as many times as you like. That’s the strength of online training.

What’s more, to help you, in the Documents section you’ll find the Massage Technique Sheets, which include diagrams of each massage movement – the detailed version of the Massage. These technical sheets are in PDF format and can (and should) be printed out. This will provide you with reference points while you massage.

A Question & Answer module is available. You can write to us at any time with your questions, and we’ll be happy to answer them.

Materials required for training

-Pen and notes
-Comfortable massage clothing
-Anti-bacterial gel
-A smile and a good mood
-1 Massage Table with Sheets and Towels
-1 Volunteer ?
-1 Cushion (medium to small)
-1 Sesame Oil (preferable) or Massage Oil
-Essential Oil if no allergies

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What Will You Learn?

  • This course will teach you the secrets of Balinese massage, the massage from the Island of the Gods.

Course Content

Balinese Massage Theory
Audio/Video of Abhyanga Massage Theory. Make yourself comfortable and let us guide you.

  • Massage Theory

Balinese Massage Practice
Video commented by France of the Complete Balinese Massage.

Please, download the training documents

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